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Could you define the key operational principles for implementation of the Sustainable Infrastructure Action Plan?

Four aspects are critical to the Global Bank Group’s approach to infrastructure in Sustainable Infrastructure Action Plan:

  1. Address the core access agenda in the following infrastructure sectors: transport, energy, water, and Information and Communication Technologies for development;
  2. Maximize effectiveness through a focused approach to complex cross-sectoral issues such as the role of infrastructure in climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, the role of public–private partnership (PPP) in the provision of infrastructure services, and new ways to provide infrastructure support for rural-urban integration and development;
  3. Focus on social and environmental objectives in addition to the economic/financial viability, and ensure access to affordable infrastructure services through a platform of strong governance; and
  4. Leverage Global Bank Group financing through:
  • Support to governments to create a market environment supportive of private investment;
  • Direct support for private financing of infrastructure;
  • Increased advocacy to ramp up harmonized donor financing; and
  • Systematic use of financial products that address the financial risks faced by clients and reduce the overall project costs

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