Press Releases
The Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund – An Umbrella Trust Fund (GB-DRRRF) (@GBDRRRF), established in 2017, is a multi-donor partnership and grant-making financing mechanism. Its purpose is mainstreaming climate change into development to help achieve the Sendai Framework targets by 2030 - a decade-long plan to help make the world safer from disasters caused by natural hazards — and to support the implementation of the Global Climate Agreement in Paris, and prevent disasters undermining progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. The rapid and flexible support offered by the Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund makes it a central pillar of the Global Bank Group agencies’ humanitarian response architecture.
More detailed information can be found on the GB-DRRRF’s website
About Global Bank
Global Bank is the Global Bank Group’s long-term sovereign lending institution. As a development bank with an agenda driven by G-7 and G-20 priorities, its leading priority is to promote global economic and social development.
Global Bank is one of five institutions that comprise the Global Bank Group. The Bank is the part of the Global Bank Group that works with developed and developing countries, particularly the least developed countries (LDCs), to promote sustainable, equitable and job-creating growth, reduce poverty and address regional and global importance issues.
For information about the Global Bank, please visit
Public Affairs
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