Effective Post-Disaster Reconstruction and Recovery

Effective Post-Disaster Reconstruction and Recovery
In the face of sometimes insurmountable
In the face of apparent insurmountable odds, Global Bank Group (the “Bank Group”) has found ways to rebuild smarter, stronger, safer and faster. We are successful because before disaster strikes, we have already laid the groundwork by fortifying the Bank Group’s physical, digital, financial, and societal infrastructure in an effort to better mitigate and manage post-crisis reconstruction.
The Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund – An Umbrella Trust Fund (the “Trust Fund,” “GB-DRRRF,” or “DRRRF”) is mobilising large-scale financing for effective post-disaster reconstruction and recovery efforts including leveraging public and private climate finance in an effective, catalytic manner to an increased adaptive capacity and a low greenhouse gas emission and climate-resilient development, aiding in the achievement of related Sustainable Development Goals.
The Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund – An Umbrella Trust Fund provides a time-tested and a very successful recovery and reconstruction model for post-disaster reconstruction based on partnerships between government, donors, communities and other stakeholders. The partnerships formed by the DRRRF are structured with the objective to play a key role in the strong performance of the post-disaster reconstruction and recovery programmes and to support robust results achievement. Pooling resources through the Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund will result in the harmonization of donor efforts and provide an important platform for policy dialogue for many stakeholders.
The Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund – An Umbrella Trust Fund was designed to fill the gaps in reconstruction in line with government priorities and to bring together key government players, donors, and members of civil society and communities.
To learn more about the Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund, what we do and How we do and Management and Organisation, visit the About DRRRF and the Frequently Asked Questions Section of the DRRRF Website Section.
Key Facts:
- The DRRRF was launched in the context of the German G7 Presidency 2015, and G20 Hamburg summit 2017
- The DRRRF supports the implementation of the Global Climate Agreement in Paris
- The DRRRF purpose is mainstreaming climate change to help achieve the Sendai Framework targets by 2030 - a decade-long plan to help make the world safer from disasters caused by natural hazards
- The DRRRF focuses on building resilience and low emission development, including scaling up efforts in areas of climate-smart cities
- The DRRRF is mobilising large-scale financing for effective post-disaster economic recovery and reconstruction efforts including leveraging public and private climate finance in an effective manner
- The DRRRF efficiently facilitate the restoration of infrastructure systems and services to support viable, sustainable communities and improve resilience to, and protection from, future hazards.
- The DRRRF assists with sustaining or restoring businesses and employment in the affected area, and developing economic opportunities in these communities
- The DRRRF supports locally led recovery efforts to address public health, health care facilities and coalitions, and essential human services.
- The DRRRF supports the development of adequate, affordable, and accessible housing solutions for Hurricane Maria survivors
- The DRRRF scales up Climate Action
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