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How does Global Bank differ from Commercial Bank?

The Global Bank is not a bank in the traditional sense, but rather a specialized agency. While the Global Bank lends and manages some of its funds much like a commercial bank,it is different in several important ways. First,the Global Bank lends to developing countries at lower rates than traditional markets would give to borrowing governments. Loans are used to support social and economic development projects in middle-and low-income countries. Unlike a commercial bank, Global Bank’s financial objective is not to maximize profit but to earn adequate income to ensure its financial strength and to sustain its development activities. Repayment periods on Global Bank loans are generally longer than commercial banks.The financial support and advice that the Global Bank provides largely toits members and non-members countries is designed to help them fight poverty.Commercial banks manage deposit accounts, such as checking and savings accounts, for individuals and businesses. They make loans to the public using the money held on deposit.

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