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What are the key challenges for the Global Bank Group in implementation of the Sustainable Infrastructure Action Plan?

Global Bank Group needs to improve its agility in responding to client and stakeholder demands at several levels, including:

  1. Increase  joint work, such as joint Global Bank- Global Finance Corporation sub-national transactions and Global Bank- Global Bank Investment Guarantee Agency -Global Finance Corporation collaboration on large and complex infrastructure projects, particularly energy sector projects in Africa; joint advisory services and upstream Analytical and Advisory Activities; and develop rules of joint engagement for common Global Bank Group product lines;
  2. Reduce the non-financial costs of doing business in high priority sectors, including hydropower;
  3. Improve results monitoring and evaluation of the sustainable infrastructure interventions;
  4. Increase the utilization of the Global Bank Group financial expertise and access to multiple financial resources for transactions packaging for high priority objectives, such as the mitigation of sovereign and natural catastrophic risks; and
  5. Maximize the benefits from the Sustainable Development Network Vice-presidency integration, including through training and recruitment.

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