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Which procurement policies does Global Bank adhere to?

Global Bank's version of the Standard Bidding Document for Goods and its User's guide is based on the Master Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods and User's Guide prepared by the Multilateral Development Banks and International Financial Institutions.

Global Bank is harmonizing, to the highest possible degree, procurement policy and master bidding documents in a joint effort to enhance economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and fairness in all multilateral development banks (MDBs1) public and private sector projects. The Harmonized Master Documents reflect what is considered “best practices” and are intended to be used as a basis by the participating organizations for issuing a standard procurement document for each individual institution. In preparing the institutional own standard procurement documents, the Harmonized Master Documents are expected to be followed, insofar as possible, while allowing for institutional and member country considerations.

1The multilateral development bank are African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, Council of Europe Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, and the World Bank.

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