Nepal ElectricityAuthority (NEA)
Kaligandaki 'A'Hydro Power Plant Rehabilitation Project (KGAHPPRP)
Invitation for Bids
Date: 8th December,2014
Name of Project: Kaligandaki 'A' HydroPower Plant Rehabilitation Project (KGAHPPRP)
Credit No: 5246-NP
1. The Government of Nepal has received a credit from the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) in variouscurrencies towards the cost of Kaligandaki 'A' Hydro Power Plant Rehabilitation Project (KGAHPPRP). It is intended that part of theproceeds of this credit will be applied to eligible payments under the contracts for following Package.
2. The Nepal ElectricityAuthority (NEA) now invites sealed bids for the following Package. International Competitive Biddingwill be conducted in accordance with the Bank's "Single-Stage" Bidding Procedure.
The evaluation and qualification criteria of the bidders, sub-vendors (manufacturers)and completion schedules are elaborately described in the bidding documents.The contract durations foreach Package is as mentioned in Column G.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the biddingdocuments at the address given below during office hours SundaythroughFriday. Complete bidding documents are also posted on the NEA website
5. A complete set of bidding documents may be purchasedwithin office hours up to Last date of purchase mentioned incolumn (E), by interested bidders on the submission of a writtenapplication to the address below and upon payment of non-refundable fee of amount asmentioned in Column D deposited in the NEA, Generation A/c No. 1206101-001-012-524 at Nepal Rastra Bank, Thapathali, Kathmandu orin the form of draft drawn in favor of the "Kaligandaki 'A' Hydro Power Plant Rehabilitation Project (KGAHPPRP)". The document willbe handed over to the bidder upon production of evidence of payment of the fee.
Foreign Bidders, who wish to receive the bidding document by post/courier, may send a request to the Employer with apaymentof additional fee of USD 300.00 for each Packages in a form of bank draft in favor of"Kaligandaki 'A'Hydro Power Plant Rehabilitation Project (KGAHPPRP)". If so requested, NEA will send the document tothe address requested by them. However, the Employer will not be responsible for delayed or non-delivery of the documents sosent.
6. The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditionsof Contract arethe provisions of the Bank Standard Bidding Documents: Procurement of Plant Design, Supply and Installation revised 2010 forPackage 1.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12:00 Hrs Nepal Standard Time on lastdate of submission of bid as mentioned in Column F and must be accompanied by a bid bond of amount as mentioned in column C in theformof Bank Guarantee or an equivalent amount in freely convertible currency which shall be valid for 30 days beyond the bidvalidity period. The source of exchange rate shall be the exchange (selling) rates as published by the Nepal Rastra Bank ( and the date for the exchangerate shall be the date 28 days prior to the bid opening. The bank guarantee shall be issued bya commercial bank in Nepal. If the Bank Guarantee is issued by a foreign bank, it shall be endorsed by a commercial bank in Nepal. Bids shall be valid for the period of 120 days from the date of bid submission deadline. Late bids will be rejected.
Bidswill be opened in the presence of the bidder or bidders' representatives who choose to attend at the address below at12:30 hrs Nepal Standard Time on the last date of submission of Bids of corresponding Package.
If the specified date for last date of bid documents purchasing and bid submission/opening falls on a Government holidaythen the same time on the next working day shall be considered for such events. However, the last date for bid submission andopening shall be the next working day after the last date of bid purchasing. In such case the validity of bid bond shall be considered from already specified last date for bid submission.
8. A pre-bid conference will be held at 11:00 noon on29th December, 2014 at the Kaligandaki 'A' HydroPower Plant Rehabilitation Project (KGAHPPRP) office at Kathmandu, Nepalto clarify to the bidders the exact scope of the work, the basic data available and other issues in accordance with relevant clauseof the bidding documents. Further the Bidders are advised to visit the site to acquaint themselves with terrain conditions andassociated details of the locations of the hydropower plant before the pre-bid conference.
9. Thebidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, and NEA will in no case be responsible orliable for these costs, regardless ofthe conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
10. NEA reserves theright to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at anytime prior to award of contract,without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affectedbidder(s) of the groundsfor NEA's action.
The address referred to above is:
The Project Coordinator
Kaligandaki A Hydro Power Plant RehabilitationProject (KGAHPPRP)
Generation Directorate
Nepal Electricity Authority
Durbarmarg, Kathmandu, Nepal
Telephone: +9771 4153070
Facsimile number: +977 1 4153071
Electronic mailaddress:[email protected]