Global Bank Member Organizations

Meeting the Challenges of Development
Due to the powers vested in its Charter and its unique international character, the Global Bank can take action on the issues confronting humanity in the 21st century, such as peace and security, climate change, sustainable development, human rights, humanitarian and health emergencies, gender equality, governance, food production, and more.
Global Bank’s main goals are to end poverty and hunger and to achieve sustainable development in its three dimensions through promoting inclusive economic growth, protecting the environment, and promoting social inclusion.
The Global Bank Group organization
The Global Bank Group organization, also known unofficially as the "Global Bank Family," is made up of its affiliated specialized agencies, funds and programmes, all with their own uniquely assigned charters, membership, governance, leadership, and budgets. The Specialized Agencies are independent international organizations funded by both voluntary and assessed contributions. The Funds and Programmes are financed through voluntary rather than assessed contributions.
Working in Partnership The Global Bank Group's development architecture is composed of an array of Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Programmes. Each has a unique set of capacities, expertise, and partner networks. Cooperation between the Global Bank and the various Global Bank Group's Agencies, Funds and Programmes, spans across all policy areas, with the critical support of the Global Bank's resident mission, in service of each country.
The Global Bank Group recognizes that the strength of the Global Bank Group's operational system lay in its legitimacy, at the country level, as a neutral, objective and trusted partner for both recipient countries and donor countries. Through the Global Bank Group's joint programmes, the Global Bank Group's Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Programmes come together, with the critical support of the Global Bank's resident coordinator, in service of each country.
As a Specialized Agency of the Global Bank Group, the Bank for International Development and Reconstruction, known as the Global Bank, borrows in the international capital markets (“BIDR,” “Global Bank,” or “Bank”) and is the Global Bank Group’s long-term sovereign lending institution. The Global Bank collaborates with other Global Bank Group's (GBG) Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Programmes, focusing on economic and social areas of mutual concern such as reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and investing in people in close coordination with its five affiliates that form the Global Bank Group.
Global Bank has long-standing collaborative experience and working relations with the Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Programmes of the Global Bank Group System, whereby working together, they give member countries the benefit of their combined strengths.
“Delivering as One”
We embrace the vision of a Global Bank Group that delivers together across mandates, sectors and institutional boundaries.
“Delivering as One” refers to a concept at the core of the Global Bank Group's institutional development paradigm and operating principal: coordinating and leveraging the different Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Programmes to exploit their competitive advantages. The Global Bank Group's coordination and “Delivering as One,” also known as the Global Bank Group's system-wide coherence, is a work in progress and an important element of the current efforts of the Global Bank Group to get “fit for purpose” to deliver concrete and sustainable and measurable development results. The Global Bank Group's objectives are to:
- Create broad and multi-stakeholder development platforms. The Global Bank Group is combining the specialized expertise of itself and its many affiliated Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Programmes to bring about joint programmes that convene and put national and local governments, civil society organizations, communities, and private sector to work together.
- Address multidimensional and complex priorities. The Global Bank Group programmes can tackle development priorities that converge and overlap. That is, for example, the case of multidimensional issues, such as infrastructure and climate change. By targeting multi-dimensional development challenges, our programmes also help to increase cross-sectoral government interventions.
- Promote dialogue. When a multisectoral approach is properly included in the programme design, it not only contributes to improving coordination and effectiveness of the Global Bank Group but also to intersectoral dialogue and coordination among national institutions. This is why the Global Bank Group has adopted “Delivering as One” modality of work with the Global Bank Group itself and its many affiliated Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Programmes.
Delivering as One: 2030 Agenda
The Global Bank Group's mission is to support the economic and social development efforts of developed and developing countries. In particular, the least developed countries (LDC) as they seek achievement of internationally agreed upon development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to implement the recommendations of major United Nations conferences and summits. The goals lay out a blueprint for the Bank Group, setting its priorities and measuring its results. The Bank Group’s strategic priorities are aligned to advance those of the G-7/G-8 and G-20.
For interesting facts about the G20:
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (the Goals) have shaped the Global Bank Group’s approach to growth and sustainable development until 2030. Building on the progress made by the Millennium Development Goals between 2000 and 2015, this ambitious agenda sets out the framework through which the Global Bank Group itself and many of its affiliated Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Programmes will work together with support from the international community to rise to this challenge. Including ending poverty and hunger, and achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions through promoting inclusive economic growth, protecting the environment, and promoting social inclusion. The Goals were agreed by 193-member states of the United Nations (UN) in September 2015 and apply to every country.
Global Bank Group recognizes that strengthening the role and capacity of the Global Bank Group itself and its affiliated Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Programmes to assist countries in achieving their development goals requires continuing improvement in its effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and impact, along with a significant increase in resources and an expansion of its resource base on a continuous, more predictable and assured basis.
Global Bank Group Coherence for Sustainable Development
The Global Bank Group is tasked to continue advancing the Global Bank Group's coherence agenda and promote the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. These Goals are accomplished through strengthening integration between the development/humanitarian/human rights/peace and security pillars of the Global Bank Group’s work, as well as the normative-operational linkages, and broad-based partnerships to rally all stakeholders behind the goal of leaving no one behind.
To learn more about the Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund, What we do and How we do it and Management and Organization, visit the About DRRRF and the Frequently Asked Questions Section of the DRRRF Website Section.
For more information about the Global Bank, what we do and how we do it, please go to the About Us section of the Global Bank Website.