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Help those impacted by the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria

Thank you for your generosity and support! Your support makes a world of difference.

Thanks to your generous donation, the Global Bank Central Emergency Response Fund will enhance our efforts to address humanitarian emergencies and work towards longer-term recovery.  Words cannot express how grateful we are to everyone who has helped us in our ongoing efforts to provide the necessary recovery. We are delighted to have you as a partner in this endeavour.

The generous donations of caring people like you help the children and families who have been devastated by this natural disaster. People, often forgotten after the relief ends, still need to rebuild infrastructure, housing, food, water, medical, and schooling, all things we take for granted.  You are assisting in restoring these essential needs. You have joined us to create the means to transition from relief to recovery. The generous donations of caring people like you help the children and families who have been devastated by this natural disaster.

Your gift and continued support make all of this possible.

Sincerely and Truly Yours,

Ron Nechemia
Global Bank Group


Many measure successes by the ability to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy. The Global Bank Charitable Giving Program enables you to join us by making regular giving a part of their overall financial plan. A simple and convenient solution, the Program combines immediate tax benefits with the ability to support your favorite social concerns now and into the future. Read More >>

To learn more about planned gifts and bequests, contact the Global Bank Group Planned Giving.

The Atlantic Hurricane Season: Hurricane Michael and Florence

2018 Atlantic hurricane season has had devastating impacts with two significant and deadly landfalls on U.S. soil. Flooding caused by the Category 4 hurricane washed out roads and bridges, leaving others impassible because of high standing water, downed power lines and massive amounts of debris, hampering search and rescue operations, and delaying the delivery of vital supplies to stranded residents.

The Global Bank Atlantic Reconstruction Fund

Millions of lives have been shattered every year by disasters such as drought, storms, major earthquakes, landslides, heat waves, floods, and hurricanes. These natural disasters disrupt daily life and, in the worst cases, unleash dramatic levels of devastation. Events such as the 2005 Hurricane Katrina, 2012 Hurricane Sandy, and 2017 Hurricane Harvey killed thousands of people and generated billions of dollars in losses. Although disasters are quick to strike, their consequences can linger for months and years. The Global Bank Atlantic Reconstruction Fund (The GB-ARF) is dedicated to the Atlantic hurricane region which includes the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico. It’s primarily focused on what happens a day after "mega-disasters," catastrophic threats to individual cities, to countries, and to a world region. It will provide for rapid and predictable disaster recovery operations, as a complement to the existing international coordination and financing instruments of various multilateral and bilateral agencies for this purpose. It will also act as an incentive for all developed and developing countries to invest in ex-ante risk management and disaster mitigation initiatives. Read More >>

While meeting life-saving and life-sustaining needs, the Global Bank Atlantic Reconstruction Fund together with the Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund and Global Bank carries out research that helps prepare for, respond to, and recover from large-scale disasters — including hurricanes, earthquakes, nuclear accidents, pandemic flu, and terrorist attacks. The GB-ARF’s approach combines research, policy work, education, and high-level advocacy to ensure that the best thinking — and best practices — become part of disaster preparedness and recovery work. The rapid and flexible support offered by the Global Bank Atlantic Reconstruction Fund makes it a central pillar of the Global Bank Group agencies’ humanitarian response architecture. Read More >>

Support Us

Donate – and Donate Again: Please support humanitarian emergencies and work towards longer-term recovery efforts by donating to the Global Bank Atlantic Reconstruction Fund and allow us to help people in need quickly and effectively. In order to protect and support those forced to flee their homes and carry out life-saving work, we rely almost entirely on government, corporation and individual donations to the GB-ARF. Donations to the GB-ARF directly support the lifesaving work being carried out by the Global Bank Atlantic Reconstruction Fund on the ground in one of the world’s most vulnerable regions.

To learn how to support the Global Bank Atlantic Reconstruction Fund to provide life-saving support to communities in need, please click HERE.




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An easy way to share information about the work of the Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund – An Umbrella Trust Fund is to let your friends and social networks know your commitment of support. Let others know your contribution, along with theirs, can greatly change the lives of those in need.




The Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund - An Umbrella Trust Fund (GB-DRRRF) was established in the context of the German G7 Presidency 2015, the G20 Hamburg Summit 2017, and the background report on Long-term Climate Finance prepared for the German G7 Presidency 2015. Its goal is to inform discussions about how to scale up climate finance to meet the needs of low-carbon, climate-resilient investment. Furthermore, it discusses current investment levels, future needs, and potential solutions that support developed countries' commitment to mobilise USD 100 billion per year for climate action in developing countries by 2020, as well as other reports requested by G20 Finance Ministers on Mobilizing Climate Finance that have been completed by the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, OECD, and the various Regional Development Banks (MDBs).

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