The Global Bank Central Emergency Response Fund (GB-CERF) is a humanitarian fund established by the Global Bank Group for all nations, for all potential victims of disasters.
It was designed to spearhead the Global Bank Group's efforts to address natural and man-made humanitarian emergencies. The GB-CERF is primarily focused on what happens a day after survivors have been rescued, and the lifesaving aid has been delivered.
While meeting lifesaving and life-sustaining needs, the GB-CERF kick-starts funding for larger-scale critical projects by the Global Bank and their partners. Its purpose is to ensure a more predictable, flexible, and timely response to complex humanitarian emergencies.
The objectives of the Global Bank Central Emergency Response Fund is to promote early action and response to reduce the loss of life, enhance response to time-critical requirements, and to strengthen Global Bank Group’s core elements of humanitarian response in underfunded crises, based on demonstrable needs and priorities identified in consultation with the affected State, as appropriate.