“Deeply Concerned”: Global Bank Group President Ron Nechemia Expresses Condolences to the People of Turkey and Syria Following a Devastating Earthquake of a 7.8 magnitude in Southern Turkey and northwest Syria.
Newport Beach, CA – February 6, 2023 –– Following the terrible devastation caused by a major earthquake strikes in Southern Turkey and Northwest Syria, Global Bank Group’s President Ron Nechemia (@RonNechemia) remains deeply concerned for the tens of thousands of people affected by the devastating earthquake of a 7.8 magnitude which was followed by another large quake of magnitude 7.7, in Southern Turkey on Monday morning and again on Monday afternoon. He shared his deep concerns, “Thousands of displaced people living in rapidly deteriorating conditions in the worst-hit parts of southern Turkey and Syria after major earthquake strikes.”.
The President of the Global Bank Group, Ron Nechemia, extends his condolences on behalf of the Bank Group to all those in Turkey and Syria who have lost loved ones. We stand with the communities affected by the devastating impact of Turkey’s earthquakes.
The devastation in Turkey and Syria is massive. I suspect the final death toll will be in the tens of thousands. So far, two large earthquakes have struck. When earthquakes strike densely populated urban areas, especially where buildings were constructed hastily and with insufficient considerations for disaster preparedness, the human toll is typically high. Natural disasters are often more lethal when people are asleep (the first quake struck shortly after 4 a.m. local time). Add the difficulties of winter weather, the risk of exposure for those trapped in debris, and the difficulties of a war zone to an already vulnerable refugee population. All of this points to an extremely bleak outcome.
The President of the Global Bank Group, Ron Nechemia, was “shocked and saddened” by the outcome of Turkey’s earthquake, which was recorded as “One of the strongest earthquakes to hit the region in a century.” He has added, “The Global Bank Group and the Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund –– An Umbrella Trust Fund (GB-DRRRF) are stepping up their efforts to help the people left homeless and supports effective post-disaster reconstruction and recovery efforts.”
The Global Bank Group is working in partnership with the governments of Turkey and Syria, including the National Emergency Management Authority. While meeting lifesaving and life-sustaining needs, the Global Bank is also focused on laying the foundation for long-term sustainable development. The Global Bank framework calls for actions to not only protect populations and promote rapid recovery but also to prevent new risks, such as those caused by unplanned urban growth in areas prone to earthquakes, flooding, landslides, and the effects of climate change.
Global Bank technical experts have been collaborating with other partners to compile information from the models on the affected areas and assess the extent of the devastating Turkey earthquake impact in Turkey and Syria. Global Bank anticipates that this information will aid in a timely response and provide a better understanding of the current situation.
Support Syria and Turkey’s Humanitarian Response and Recovery
e will continue to monitor the situation as it develops, and our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Syria and Turkey. For more information on how the public can support the Global Bank Group disaster relief efforts, please visit The Global Bank Disaster Central Emergency Response Fund –– An Umbrella Trust Fund website at http://www.gbdrrrf.org/.
The Global Bank Central Emergency Response Fund (GB-CERF) is a humanitarian fund established by the Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund (GB-DRRRF) for all nations and potential disaster victims. It was created to lead GB-DRRRF's efforts to address natural and man-made humanitarian emergencies. The GB-CERF is primarily focused with what happens a day after survivors are rescued and lifesaving aid has been delivered. While meeting life-sustaining needs, the GB-CERF kick-starts funding for larger-scale critical projects by the GB-DRRRF and its partners. Its goal is to make complex humanitarian emergencies more predictable, flexible, and timely.
The Global Bank Central Emergency Response Fund's objectives are to promote early action and response to reduce fatalities, improve response to time-critical requirements, and strengthen the core elements of humanitarian response in underfunded crises, based on demonstrable needs and priorities identified in consultation with the affected Country, as appropriate. It provides predictable and equitable funding to those affected by natural disasters and other complex humanitarian emergencies.