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Management and oversight

The Board of Governors of Global Bank requested the Chairman of the Board and the President to put in place strict control standards for all phases of the plan prior to and during its implementation, defining the precise work to be done and the technical results to be achieved so as to ensure that there are no cost overruns associated with the overall project, that the project is completed successfully within the envisaged time frame and budget and within the agreed technical specifications, that there are financial penalties for contractors in the case of non-respect of deadlines and that there is a guarantee which will ensure the long-term quality of the work undertaken;

The Chairman of the Global Bank has established a Headquarters Committee on World Headquarters Capital Master plan, which is Chair by the Managing Director for Management. The purpose of the Headquarters Committee is to “deal with such matters as immunities to facilitate the work of the Bank Group, officials and other involved persons within the host countries and the borrowing countries; certain facilities regarding safety, security and communication and other matters of general interest to the Global Bank Group and certain facilities regarding safety, security and communication;”

The Chairman of the Global Bank has establish an independent and impartial advisory board reflecting wide geographical representation; and

The Chairman of the Global Bank also stresses the importance of oversight with respect to the development and implementation of the capital master plan, and requests the Vice President and Auditor-General, Internal Auditing and all other relevant oversight bodies to initiate immediate oversight activities and to report annually thereon to the Board of Governors.

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