Academia and Research Institutions
The Global Bank has committed itself to becoming a "global knowledge bank", using knowledge to improve the development effectiveness of its work. Changes in the external environment — client needs have diversified, with greater differentiation among countries, even within the regions; the growth of global public goods and corporate priorities is creating tensions and has given rise to new challenges which need to be reconciled with the country model; demand for cutting-edge knowledge is growing, both to enhance quality of lending and as a business line for policy and program advice to clients; and new global practices have emerged to meet needs such as information, communication and technology, and disaster management. Global Bank’s ability to function as a truly “global knowledge bank” is critical to its success.
The Global Bank partnerships with Academia and Research Institutions is based on the premise that in the coming decades, with population growth, rising incomes, and increasing rates of urbanization in emerging markets, billions more people will have the income to afford such basic necessities as electricity, adequate nutrition, clean water, clean air, and essential health care as well as other middle-class amenities and life styles. Meeting these demands is both a moral imperative and an unparalleled opportunity to promote prosperity and economic opportunity, greater social well-being, and protection of the environment – offers the best path forward for improving the lives of people everywhere.
Partnerships with Academia and Research Institutions greatly enhances Global Bank's ability to improve the development effectiveness of its work and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. Global Bank collaborates with higher education institutions actively to mobilize knowledge and innovations, strengthen capacities, provide evidence-based solutions to policy processes and share its own experience from the ground with the academic community.
The Partnerships with Academia and Research Institutions brings together a new, permanent, supportive advisory structure and policy solutions to Global Bank. Independent of the official processes, yet firmly connected with official engagement groups and working groups, the initiative delivers independent, long-term oriented policy briefs for Global Bank and Group Bank Group organizations.
Academia are incubators of knowledge. Global Bank strategic partnerships with Academia and Research Institutions can generate significant and relevant knowledge to assist Member and Non-Member States address the challenges faced in achieving economic and social development. Academia and Research Institutions bring independent and diverse perspectives to relevant issues, provide technical expertise, nurture innovation and critical thinking and can help develop skills and resources essential for current and future needs.
One of the central goals for partnering with Academia and Research Institutions is to effectively contribute to the delivery of Global Bank’s Strategic Programs, Regional Initiatives and Country Programming Framework agreed with Member and Non-Member States. Academia engagement can be strategic and catalytic as they can add value by promoting a shared understanding, increasing awareness and mobilizing stakeholders including students, to improve the development effectiveness of its work and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. In support of the Strategic Programs, the main objectives for partnering with Academia and Research Institutions are to
- Mobilize academic knowledge and information resources to directly benefit stakeholders on the ground;
- Develop capacities, stimulate inter-disciplinary research and disseminate Global Bank knowledge and experience;
- Raise academia engagement in multi-stakeholder processes and dialogues on food security and nutrition issues.
- Through strategic partnerships, Global Bank extends and augments its own knowledge, expertise and capacity to deliver in countries and regions. We welcome suggestions for maximizing Global Bank's impact through strategic partnerships with academic and research community.
To learn more about the Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund, What we do and How we do it and Management and Organization, visit the About DRRRF and the Frequently Asked Questions Section of the DRRRF Website Section.
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