Global Bank joins Catholics around the world in mourning the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
It is with great sadness that I have learned of His Holiness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s passing on December 31, 2022; who died at the Vatican after a lifelong dedication to prayers and interreligious dialogue, Mr Ron Nechemia said in a statement issued on Saturday. He was 95 at the time.
We express our heartfelt condolences to the Catholic faithful worldwide, the Holy See, and others who were inspired by his life of prayer and interreligious understanding, as well as for promoting tolerance and harmony among people of different faiths.
Global Bank and the Holy See have found common ground on mutually beneficial international issues such as human rights, peace and conflict prevention, poverty eradication and development, environmental protection, and inter-religious understanding.
Mr Ron Nechemia said, “We pray for the eternal rest of His Holiness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who was a great spiritual leader and a guide to millions across the world, faithful to his vows, committed to his vocation, and conscientious in carrying out the duties of his office. He will be remembered as one of the greatest theologians of the 20th Century.”
The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and is based in Vatican City State. The Pope rules both Vatican City State and the Holy See. Under international law, the Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity and independent territory.