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Advisory Board of the Capital Master Plan

The Board of Governors of Global Bank is aware that the Organizations is undertaking a project of such scale and complexity that requires to put in place a system of integrated assurance to provide senior management with expert advice, independent of the project team.

Mandated by the Board of Governors the Advisory Board will advise the Chairman of the Board of Governors on the review and consideration of all aspects of the development of the Global Bank World Headquarters Complex, including policy guidance on Capital Master Plan operations and activities, funding and support, architectural integrity and harmony, as well as the linkage with the visitors’ experience project. The Advisory Board is supposed to meet at least once each quarter at Headquarters in USA.

While the Chairman of the Board of Governors of Global Bank nominated the Chairperson, each member was selected from one of the five regional groups. The Chairperson and members, who serve in their personal capacity and not as representatives of a Government or any other authority external to the Global Bank, were appointed for two years.

The objectives of the Advisory Board are:

  1. To offer advice to the Chairman of the Board of Governors on any aspect of the capital master plan;
  2. To act as a sounding board on major project concepts;
  3. and To assist the Chairman of the Board of Governors with decisions on financial issues related to the plan.
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