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The Headquarters Committee

The Chairman of the Board of Governors has established a Headquarters Committee. Its purpose is to deal with such matters as immunities to facilitate the work of Global Bank, officials and other involved persons within host countries and borrowing countries and to oversee safety, security, communication and other matters of general interest to the Global Bank Group.

The Headquarters Committee advises the Chairman of the Board of Governors on all questions submitted by (him/her) or a member of the Committee relating to the Organization’s Headquarters. The Committee provides the Chairman of the Board of Governors with advice, suggestions, guidance and recommendations in this regard. The Committee meets whenever necessary to address such questions.

The Committee consists of 10 members elected for four years. Half of the members are replaced at each session. The current Headquarters Committee Chairperson is Walter E. Gaskin, Managing Director in Charge of the Management Complex of the Global Bank. In addition to the chairperson, the Headquarters Committee includes a vice chairperson (currently Bruce A. Harbin, the Acting Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the Bank); Gary A. Grappo, Vice President in Charge of the External and Corporate Relations Vice Presidency Unit; one rapporteur and six members.

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