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The Atlantic Hurricane Season: Hurricane Michael and Florence
2018 Atlantic hurricane season has had devastating impacts with two significant and deadly landfalls on U.S. soil. Flooding caused by the Category 4 hurricane washed out roads and bridges, leaving others impassible because of high standing water, downed power lines and massive amounts of debris, hampering search and rescue operations, and delaying the delivery of vital supplies to stranded residents.
The Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund - An Umbrella Trust Fund (GB-DRRRF) was established in the context of the German G7 Presidency 2015, the G20 Hamburg Summit 2017, and the background report on Long-term Climate Finance prepared for the German G7 Presidency 2015. Its goal is to inform discussions about how to scale up climate finance to meet the needs of low-carbon, climate-resilient investment. Furthermore, it discusses current investment levels, future needs, and potential solutions that support developed countries' commitment to mobilise USD 100 billion per year for climate action in developing countries by 2020, as well as other reports requested by G20 Finance Ministers on Mobilizing Climate Finance that have been completed by the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, OECD, and the various Regional Development Banks (MDBs).