Country Specific Pooled Fund (CSPF)
The DRC Humanitarian Fund has funded critical education and health projects in South Kivu, DR Congo. Credit: OCHA/G.Cortes
CSPF are set up for complex emergencies. Contributions are collected into single, unearmarked funds and managed locally under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator. The funds support the highest-priority projects of the best-placed responders (including international and national NGOs and UN agencies) through an inclusive and transparent process that supports priorities set out in Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs). This ensures that funding is available and prioritized locally by those closest to people in need. The UN Secretary-General has called on donors to increase the proportion of HRP funding channelled through CBPF to 15 per cent by 2018. At current levels, this would translate to almost $2 billion per year.