Mr. Wilson, an American national, is the General Counsel for Global Bank Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (the “Facility” or the ‘GBIPPF”).
Mr. Wilson, an American national, is the General Counsel for Global Bank Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (the “Facility” or the ‘GBIPPF”).
Craig Alan Wilson is a senior legal counsel with extensive experience in developing countries and particularly in Asia, working for both international law firms and Fortune 100 Companies. Mr. Wilson have vast experience in investment funds, project finance, foreign direct investment, and general corporate matters, Mr. Wilson has worked for the international law firms White & Case and Coudert Brothers, international organizations including the Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank's (WB) private sector affiliate, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and merchant banks. Mr. Wilson was the General Counsel for The Coca-Cola Company’s operations in Southeast Asia.
Mr. Wilson, an American national, is the General Counsel for Global Bank Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (the “Facility” or the ‘GBIPPF”). His is responsible for providing legal and policy advice to the GBIPPF Board of Directors, its Management and client departments on operational, advisory and corporate matters. Specifically, Mr. Wilson supports client departments in (i) the delivery of GBIPPF’s annual program of financing for public and private sector projects in emerging markets; (ii) project portfolio management (including jeopardy projects and projects in litigation); (iii) the delivery and design of structured finance products, sub-national lending, equity and quasi-equity, public-private partnerships, and carbon finance transactions; (iv) advising on corporate policy and operational matters such as operating policies and procedures and Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Funding of Terrorism; and (v) knowledge management and training.
Prior to joining the Global Bank Group, Mr. Wilson had been a Foreign Law Consultant at a prominent local law firm in Bangkok, Thailand. Mr. Wilson’s practice area of law is concentrated primarily on corporate law and banking and non-banking financial institutions.
Mr. Wilson led the legal work underpinning the creation of the first international investment fund in which the Asian Development Bank invested; general banking and corporate work and international borrowings for a Thai commercial bank; the formation of investment funds focusing on investment in Vietnam, Thailand and Asian debt instruments; and project financings in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Thailand. Mr. Wilson has served as a legal advisor the Thai Ministry of Finance and the Deputy Finance Minister.
Mr. Wilson’s project finance experience includes the review of draft transaction documents (i.e., bidding documents and PPP Agreements such as a Concession Agreement, Share Purchase and Sale Agreement, Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement, O&M Agreement, Services Agreement, Power Purchase Agreement, or any other long-term contract between a private sector investor/operator and a Government entity for the rendering of public services) and providing comments thereon to ensure their bankability.
A native of Washington, D.C., Mr. Wilson graduated from Yale College magna cum laude and from Harvard Law School, with a Doctor of Law degree (J.D.). Following law school, he clerked for one year for the then Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in Houston, Texas. He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar. Mr. Wilson has written on both legal and non-legal matters and has lectured on law as an adjunct professor in the United States as well as a guest lecturer at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.