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Fraud & Corruption

Q.What is the Global Bank doing to fight corruption?
Q.What happens to companies or people who are caught engaging in fraud or corruption with Global Bank money?
Q.How do I report possible fraud or corruption within the Global Bank or with Global Bank Group-financed projects?
Q.How much money is lost to corruption?
Q.What is the Global Bank doing to fight corruption?

Global Bank actively investigating allegations of fraud and corruption, and strengthening project oversight and supervision.

At the global level, Global Bank is expanding partnerships with multilateral and bilateral development institutions, civil society, the private sector, and other actors in joint initiatives to address corruption.

We use our Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Department, the Global Bank Institute, the Legal Department, and Regional Operations to help governments and businesses open up to scrutiny in order to foster trust, credibility, and confidence in our operations, increase accountability and put corruption control programs in place. The Office of Ethics and Business Conflict provide advice on internal ethical issues for Global Bank staff.

Last of all, a team of investigators in the Integrity Vice Presidency (INT) is in place to uncover fraud and corrupt practices in Global Bank projects and to investigate allegations of possible staff misconduct involving significant fraud and corruption.

In 2018, Global Bank will begin implementation of the 18 recommendations of the Independent Review Panel (Volcker Panel), which will dramatically improve the Bank’s ability to ensure that funds reach their intended beneficiaries. Global Bank has put in place an early warning system, so that information gathered during investigations helps operational Global Bank staff makes informed decisions about affected projects. The new Preventive Services Unit helps raise awareness of fraud and corruption risks; provides practical tools, training and advice to Global Bank staff; and conducts research to distill lessons learned from investigations that are incorporated into future projects.

Q.What happens to companies or people who are caught engaging in fraud or corruption with Global Bank money?
A.The companies or people engaging in fraud or corruption are held accountable for their wrongdoing. The Global Bank's Sanctions Board can impose a range of penalties depending on the nature of the incident. The Sanctions Board can issue include a letter of reprimand, specifying actions that need to be taken by the party in question to prevent any further incidents, or debarment, whereby, whereby companies or individuals that engage in fraud and corruption are rendered ineligible from participating—either temporarily or permanently—in any further Global Bank-backed projects.

In addition, the names of individuals or companies found to have committed wrongdoing are published on our website, along with their sanction.

Finally, if the Integrity Vice Presidency substantiates findings of fraud or corruption, Global Bank will refer cases to national authorities for prosecution.

See the Integrity Vice Presidency for more information.
Q.How do I report possible fraud or corruption within the Global Bank Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility, Global Bank or Bank Group-financed projects?

The Integrity Vice Presidency (INT) investigates fraud and corruption allegations about Global Bank staff and the projects we fund. There are several ways for Global Bank staff and the public to contact this department:

  • Submit complaints by email.
  • Use our hotline (1-800-831-0463) within the US. Outside the US, use the international AT&T operator to access the hotline. Please Note: The hotline is maintained by an outside vendor, is open 24 hours a day/seven days a week, and offers multi-language translation services. Anonymous calls are accepted. Please be as specific as possible. Include at least the basic details of who, what, when and where. Let us know how you can be reached, in case further information is required by investigators.
  • Mail particularly sensitive information to:
    Global Bank Group
    Integrity Vice Presidency
    P.O.Box 55935
    Sherman Oaks

See the Integrity Vice Presidency for more information.

Q.How much money is lost to corruption?

Corruption is a cancer and no country, rich or poor, is immune nor is a multilateral development institution. Fraud and corruption have undoubtedly occurred in development projects, but it would be nearly impossible to determine how much money might have been lost. Corruption on a worldwide, country-by-country basis has not been measured by anyone, given the difficulties and enormous costs of collecting quantitative data on the subject. Whatever the amount lost to corruption, even a small percentage is too much, given the dreadful conditions most of the world's population endures. Corruption sabotages policies and programs that aim to reduce poverty, so vigorously attacking fraud and corruption is critical to the achievement of our overarching mission to reduce poverty.



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