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Global Bank's President Ron Nechemia Offers Humanitarian and Developmental Assistance to Lebanon in Response to the Deadly Explosion

"I pledge my fraternal solidarity with the people of Lebanon, and we share the pain and sorrows of the Lebanese people after the explosion that killed more than 220 people, wounded more than 4,000 and left an estimated 300,000 homeless in Beirut," said Ron Nechemia, Global Bank President...
August 14, 2020

Australia's Deadly Wildfires: Global Bank to step up help and support

Fires blazing around Australia are responsible for at least 28 deaths and destruction of at least 5,900 buildings, including approximately 2,683 homes. As of January 12, at least 18.6 million acres of Australia have burned in one of the country’s worst fire seasons on record. That’s an area larger than West Virginia or Denmark, and more than eight times the area that burned in California in 2018, the state’s most destructive year for wildfires.
January 12, 2020

Global Bank Group President Ron Nechemia says the Australian bushfires are “deeply concerning.”

President Ron Nechemia remains troubled by the devastation caused by the ongoing fires in the States of New South Wales and Victoria, Australia. “Thousands have been displaced, dozens of people have lost their lives, thousands of homes have been destroyed, and an estimated 500 million animals have perished.”
January 8, 2020

Global Bank Central Emergency Response Fund Marks Another Milestone in Addressing Disasters, Conflict, and Fragility

Global Bank Group announces expansion to include conflict and fragility within the Global Bank GB-CERF programme. The launching of this expansion marks another milestone in addressing disasters, conflict, and fragility. It builds on the Global Bank Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Fund – An Umbrella Trust Fund () (GB-DRRRF) and the Global Bank Adaptation and Resilience Action Plan. The Global Bank Central Emergency Response Fund was established in 2019, as a multi-donor partnership and grant-making financing mechanism. Its purpose is to ensure a more predictable, flexible, and timely response to disasters, conflict, and fragility.
December 12, 2019

Global Bank Group Launches Central Emergency Response Fund to Promote "Early Action and Rapid Response" to Reduce the Loss of Life

Global Bank Group announces the launch of the Global Bank Central Emergency Response Fund (GB-CERF). The GB-CERF was established in 2019, as a multi-donor partnership and grant-making financing mechanism. Its purpose is to ensure a more predictable, flexible and timely response to disasters, conflict and fragility.
December 1, 2019

“Build Better Before” is the Global Bank Group President Ron Nechemia’s Message for 2019 International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

The Global Bank Group and its partners invite private-sector infrastructure project developers, investor-owned utility and governments to “Step Up for Disaster Risk Reduction in Infrastructure” as populations need to be protected against natural and climate-related disasters, even as hazards are expected to increase in frequency and intensity over time. The President of Global Bank Group, Ron Nechemia’s message for 2019 International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction is “Build Better Before” a natural hazard becomes a disaster.”
October 13, 2019


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