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William R. Thomson, former Vice President for the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Joins Global Bank as Senior Advisor to the President, Ron Nechemia, and Member of the International Advisory Board Council

Irvine, CA -October 22, 2014 - William R. Thomson, the former Vice President at the Asian Development Bank (ADB),will join Global Bank as Senior Advisor to the President, Ron Nechemia, and as a member of the Global Bank International Advisory Board Council.
October 22, 2014

William Reid Thomson Joins the International Advisory Board Council of Global Bank

William Thomson is a Senior Advisor to the President, Ron Nechemia, and Member of the International Advisory Board Council of Global Bank. He is ageopolitical analyst and international economist experienced in development and capital markets issues, with a longstanding and deep interest in Asian economic developments.
October 22, 2014

Global Bank - Who's Who - Walter E. Gaskin

Walter E. Gaskin of USA took office as the Managing Director in Charge of Operation Management Complex of Global Bank on July 16, 2014. Mr. Gaskin as the Managing Director in charge of the Management Complex, Global Bank is responsible for ensuring that the Bank's internal operations, policies and systems are designed and implemented to maximize development activities in line with the commitment to make the Global Bank Group an open, results-based and effective organization.
October 16, 2014

Former Deputy Chairman, NATO Military Committee, Lieutenant General Walter E. Gaskin to Join Global Bank as the Managing Director in Charge of the Operation Management Complex

Irvine, CA - October 8, - 2014 Former Deputy Chairman, NATO Military Committee, Lieutenant General Walter E. Gaskin has been named Managing Director in Charge of the Operation management Complex of Global Bank. Gaskin is one of four managing directors who assist the president in the broad oversight of the Global Bank. Each of the managing directors oversees several organizational units.
August 10, 2014


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